CHESSBOARD: AN R PACKAGE FOR CREATING NETWORK CONNECTIONS BASED ON CHESS MOVES. Casajus N., Rievrs Borges E., Delaruelle G., Tabacchi E., Fried G. & Mouquet N. (2023). Journal of Open Source Software, 8(90), 5753, DOI:10.21105/joss.05753 Key message : Here we introduce chessboard, an open-source R package (R Core Team (2023)), dedicated to facilitating the process of creating connectivity matrices for samplings designed as regular grids (i.e., the distance between each pair of nodes along one axis is always the same). Chessboard identifies neighbors based only on node position on a two-dimension non spatial referential. It can handle spatial networks, but it does not explicitly use geographical coordinates to find neighbors (it is not based on spatial distance). chessboard can handle directed (asymmetric) and undirected (symmetric) spatial (or non-spatial) networks. chessboard offers various methods to detect neighbors, all based on the chess game, allowing the creation of complex connectivity scenarios.
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